Unforgotten Wrongs

Some say the lines between right and wrong have not always been blurred throughout history… 

Many voices have been silenced… 

…stories that were long buried can leave open wounds in society. 

…we have not forgotten their names nor the injustices of history. 

These are their stories!


Helena - Diana Guedes

Heinrich - Matt Caddell

Golser - Ashton Frank 

Oscar Wilde -  Filipe Machado 

Robbie - Jei Georgiadis

Gill - Ashton Frank 

Justice - Jei Georgiadis 

Harry Blackmun - Tony Gretton 

Henry Wade - Matt Caddell

Sarah Weddington - Jamielee Hogan

Norma McCorvey (Roe) - Diana Guedes

Sylvia Pankhurst - Valentina Z. Angelucci

Officer - Tony Gretton 


Director  - Nicole Beagley

Dramaturge/ Assistant Director - Valentina Z. Angelucci 

Stage Manager, Design Supervisor & Light and Sound Designer - Atlanta Sonson-Chapman

Writer - Matt Caddell

Set Designer - Ashton Frank

Light Designer - Diana Guedes

Costume Designer - Filipe Machado

Costume Designer - Jei Georgiadis 

Photo: Arianna Damato